Look Up!

He said, “You know, Shannon, depression is a spirit. It’s a seductive spirit. Because, while it’s tearing you apart, it’s also feeding you chemicals that feel good. Good enough to make you keep it around. Good enough to not cast it out… You can be free.”

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abundance, adulting, advice, alignment, answers, anxiety, balance, being present, blog, blogger, blue water, boundaries, boundary, breakthrough, breathing, Cabo, Cabo San Lucas, calendar, calm, chaos, child rearing, deliverance, depression, distraction, empowerment, enjoy life, family time, fear, fearlessness, free time, freedom, goals, God, God's Love Over Women, grace, gratefulness, gratitude, growth, healing, health, Holy Spirit, hope, inner healing, inner peace, intimacy, joy, life, life coaching, life hack, life strategy, Los Angeles, love yourself, marriage, meditate, meditation, Mexico, millennials, mindfulness, parenting, overcoming, peace, pray, prayer, prioritize, priorites, priority, purpose, quiet, relax, relaxation, resolutions, retreat, retreats, saying no, Sea of Cortez, schedule, self care, self discovery, spirit, spirituality, stress, stress free, thankful, thankfulness, the 90s, transform, transformation, travel, winning, wisdom, women, work life balance, time, no Samantha Sarah Anne abundance, adulting, advice, alignment, answers, anxiety, balance, being present, blog, blogger, blue water, boundaries, boundary, breakthrough, breathing, Cabo, Cabo San Lucas, calendar, calm, chaos, child rearing, deliverance, depression, distraction, empowerment, enjoy life, family time, fear, fearlessness, free time, freedom, goals, God, God's Love Over Women, grace, gratefulness, gratitude, growth, healing, health, Holy Spirit, hope, inner healing, inner peace, intimacy, joy, life, life coaching, life hack, life strategy, Los Angeles, love yourself, marriage, meditate, meditation, Mexico, millennials, mindfulness, parenting, overcoming, peace, pray, prayer, prioritize, priorites, priority, purpose, quiet, relax, relaxation, resolutions, retreat, retreats, saying no, Sea of Cortez, schedule, self care, self discovery, spirit, spirituality, stress, stress free, thankful, thankfulness, the 90s, transform, transformation, travel, winning, wisdom, women, work life balance, time, no Samantha Sarah Anne

Rest Easy

Resting is about more than jumping on a plane and getting away from it all or having a whole five minutes, hour, or day to oneself. You can be in either of those scenarios and many others and still not run into it. Why??


Good ol’ fashioned guilt. 

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Suddenly, I saw myself making my way thru LAX - prophetic, forward-moving, life-giving paintings in my right hand and Jermaine’s urn under my left arm - and heard:


boom loudly and clearly in my spirit. I knew what it meant instantly…

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Now Go!

My routines were safe. They kept me secure in my mind even as they kept me fastened to my bronze-version life. I’d asked for this. I didn’t know it at the time of my asking. It didn’t sound like that at all. It sounded like groaning. Deep, unsatisfied, guttural groaning. And it wouldn’t stop. 

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